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Build your app

Once you are done with your app, you can build it for production with the following command:

pnpm build # or bun build, npm run build, yarn build

# or in workspace
# pnpm --filter=app build

This will create a dist/ folder with all the files needed to deploy your app.

The build process is done by vite and rollup, which will split your code into chunks and optimize it for production. You can use the vite.config.ts file to customize the build process.

// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    // ...

Useful links:

Preview before deployment

Once the build is done, preview the result before deploying to ensure everything is working as expected.

pnpm start # or bun start, npm run start, yarn start

# or in workspace
# pnpm --filter=app start


To ensure that the preview is as close as possible to the production build, install only production dependencies before previewing the app.

# build the app

rm -rf node_modules/
pnpm install --prod # or bun install -p, npm install --omit=dev, yarn install --prod

# preview the app

Depending on the quickstart you used, this command will run either:

  • a static server if you used the SPA quickstarter or generated SSG version (using serve package)
  • or a Node.js server when using SSR quickstarter (see SSR Guide for more details)

The preview is available at http://localhost:3000/ by default, be sure to clean your browser cache before previewing the app as it can conflict with the development build, prefer using an incognito window for better results.

Using docker

All quickstarters (except electron) contains Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files so you can easily use docker to deploy.

The containers are based on Bitnami images which has security updates and ensure runing as non-root user. It also use multi-stage build process so it only contains what is needed to run production builds.

Set your package manager

By default, images are setup to install packages with pnpm and --no-lockfile because quickstarters does not ship lockfiles (to allow you to choose package manager you want). You need to update the Dockerfile to use same package manager you use in developmement. In addition, we recommend you to set the packageManager field in package.json so corepack will ensure to use fixed version of npm, pnpm or yarn. Here is an example to use npm:

FROM bitnami/node:20 AS build

RUN corepack enable && corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate
RUN corepack enable && corepack prepare npm@latest --activate

COPY package.json ./
COPY package-lock.json ./
# /!\ note: use your own package manager,
# and remove the `--no-lockfile` flag (don't forget to create lockfile)
RUN pnpm install --no-lockfile
RUN npm ci
  // ...
  "packageManager": "npm@10.5.0", 
  // ...

Build and start your containers

First, build your app image:

docker compose --pull --project-name my-vuero-app build
docker build --pull --tag my-vuero-app:1.0.0 .

Notice that we used --pull argument, this will update our base images before building

Then you can run your images with docker:

docker compose --project-name my-vuero-app up --detach
docker run --detach --restart unless-stopped -p 3000:3000 my-frontend-app:1.0.0

The --detach argument will create background process, and --restart unless-stopped will restart the container if it stops unexpectedly.

The app will be available at http://localhost:3000/ by default.

When using SPA quickstarter, docker will run a static server using nginx (you can customize the nginx/spa.conf file). When using SSR quickstarter, docker will run a Node.js server (see SSR Guide for more details).

Useful links:

Debug build

When you build your app, it is optimized for production, which means that the code is minified and the source maps are removed. This can make debugging difficult.

You can change this behavior by updating vite config to make it easier to debug your app:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    minify: false,
    sourcemap: true,
    rollupOptions: {
      output: {
        entryFileNames: '[name]-[hash].js',
        chunkFileNames: 'assets/_/[name].js',
        assetFileNames: 'assets/[name][extname]',

Take a look at the demo app vite config file, it uses DEBUG environment variable to enable/disable debug build.

Compile time flags

In addition to build options, you can use compile time flags to enable/disable debug features in your app. Using compile time flags allows minification tools to remove dead code, which is not possible with runtime flags.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  ssr: {
    // libraries that uses compile time flags should be marked as no external
    noExternal: ['vue'],
  define: {
    // enable vue devtools in production
    __VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__: 'true',
    // enable hydration mismatch details in production

In the demo app, we created __VUERO_SSR_BUILD__ to be able to detect if the app is running in SSR mode or not, and use it in useUserToken composable example.

Useful links:

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