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The Composition API allows to create reusable logic that can be shared across components. We call composables functions that combines Reactive API, Lifecycle Hooks and Dependencies Injection. If you are not using one of these features, you should consider using a regular function instead.

Example 1: Compute result from props with Reactive API

This example show basic usage of the Composition API to create a composable function that use input refs to derive a computed value.

export const useComputedTotal(
  price: Ref<number>,
  quantity: Ref<number>,
) => computed(() => price.value * quantity.value)
<script setup lang="ts">
const price = ref(10)
const quantity = ref(2)
const total = useComputedTotal(price, quantity)

    <p>Unit Price: {{ price }}</p>
    <p>Quantity: <input type="number" v-model.number="quantity" /></p>
    <p>Total: {{ total }}</p>

Useful links:

Example 2: Wrap DOM API to a reactive value

This example show how to create a composable function that use window.matchMedia to create a reactive value.

export function useMediaQuery(query: string) {
  let mediaQuery: MediaQueryList | undefined
  const matches = ref(false)

  const handler = (event: MediaQueryListEvent) => {
    matches.value = event.matches

  onMounted(() => {
    mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(query)
    mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', handler)
    matches.value = mediaQuery.matches

  onUnmounted(() => {
    mediaQuery?.removeEventListener('change', handler)

  return matches
<script setup lang="ts">
const isSmallScreen = useMediaQuery('(width <= 767px)')

watch(isSmallScreen, (isSmall) => {
  console.log('isSmallScreen:', isSmall)

    <!-- ... -->


Take a look at the VueUse library for a collection of composable functions, like useLocalStorage, useMediaQuery, useDebounceFn, etc.

Example 3: Provide global state via vue plugin

This example show how to create a composable function that use provide and inject to and vuero plugin to provide a global reactive state.

import type { InjectionKey, Plugin, cart } from 'vue'

interface MyAppContext {
  cart: Ref<Product[]>
  total: ComputedRef<number>

const injectionKey = Symbol('my-app-context') as InjectionKey<MyAppContext>

export function useMyAppContext() {
  const context = inject(injectionKey)

  if (!context) {
    throw new Error('useMyAppContext() was called outside of vue app context, did you forget to use the plugin?')

  return context

export function createMyAppContext(): Plugin {
  return {
    install(app) {
      // create some reactive values
      const cart = ref<Product[]>([])
      const total = computed(() => cart.value.reduce(
        (acc, product) => acc + product.price, 

      // provide them to the app
      app.provide(injectionKey, {
      } satisfies MyAppContext)
import { createMyAppContext } from '/@src/composables/my-app-context'
import { definePlugin } from '/@src/utils/plugins'

export default definePlugin(({ app }) => {
  // install the plugin
<script setup lang="ts">
// use the global shared state
const { cart, total } = useMyAppContext()

    <!-- ... -->


You can use this pattern as an alternative to Pinia store, when you need to share state between components without the need of a store. Pinia will be more suitable when you need to handle hydration, SSR, and other store features.

Useful links:

Example 4: Load external library and bind to DOM element

This example show how to create a composable function that uses the onMounted and onUnmounted lifecycle hooks to create and destroy a TinySlider instance.

import type { MaybeRefOrGetter } from 'vue'
import type {
} from 'tiny-slider/src/tiny-slider'

export function useTinySlider(
  target: Ref<HTMLElement | null>,
  settings: MaybeRefOrGetter<Omit<TinySliderSettings, 'container'>> = {},
) {
  // shallow ref to avoid deep reactivity in complex objects
  const slider = shallowRef<TinySliderInstance | null>(null)

  // lazy load tiny-slider library on component mount
  onMounted(async () => {
    if (target.value) {
      const { tns } = await import('tiny-slider/src/tiny-slider')

      slider.value = tns({
        container: target.value,

  // cleanup on component unmount
  onUnmounted(() => {
    if (slider.value) {
      slider.value = null

  return {
<script setup lang="ts">
const target = ref<HTMLElement>()
const { slider } = useTinySlider(target, { nav: false })

  <div ref="target">
    <div>Slide 1</div>
    <div>Slide 2</div>
    <div>Slide 3</div>

Vuero composables

Vuero provides a set of composable functions that can be used in your Vue components. These composables serve different purposes, such as managing the dark mode state, handling the session, etc.

useDarkmodeProvide a reactive dark mode state to Vue
useVueroContextShared key-value state
useImageErrorImage loading error handler
useScreenSizeReactive screen media query
useUserTokenExample of a token storage composable (differs between SSR and Client Only)
useDropdownInternal composable to handle dropdowns, used in VDropdown
useFieldContextInternal composable to handle field validation, used in VField

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