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Getting started

What is Nephos

Nephos is a starter ecommerce application frontend written with Bulma, SASS, jquery. All the project is managed with Gulp, a frontend task automation tool. Nephos 2.4 ships with 28 ready to use app pages and an element page, which features some additional components you can use to extend the existing pages or to create new ones. With Nephos, we offer you a first class frontend, with a sharp, clean and modern design. We wrote this documentation to help you understand every aspect of the template, especially for beginners. We hope you will like it. So let's get started !


If you have any trouble while editing this template or if you simply want to ask a question about something, feel free to contact us at or to post your request on our support forums at


You will need the following tools to customize this template.

  1. A good code editor of your choice
  2. A supported web browser
  3. node.js installed on your machine (minimum node v16.15 required)
  4. Intermediate html knowledge
  5. Intermediate scss knowledge
  6. intermediate / Advanced javascript knowledge


Be careful before you start working with the template and read the documentation. If not edited properly, layouts may break completely. No support is provided for faulty customization.

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