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CSS Reference

This is the CSS reference section. You will find here the most important classes, related modifiers and hints about styles distribution.


Grid system


Main classModifierEffects
.columnsis-vcenteredCenters nested column elements vertically using flexbox
is-multilineMakes the nested columns wrap into a new row when the end of the current row is reached
is-mobilePrevents columns from stacking on mobile devices
is-gaplessRemoves padding from children columns


Main classModifierEffects
.columnis-halfMakes the column take half of the available space
is-one-thirdMakes the column take 1/3 of the available space
is-two-thirdsMakes the column take 2/3 of the available space
is-one-quarterMakes the column take 1/4 of the available space
is-*1-12Makes the column take an amount of space corresponding to the specified number between 1 and 12

Responsive helpers

Display helpers

Main classModifierEffects
.*is-flex-mobileSets display to flex for the target element when device width is < 768px
is-flex-tablet-onlySets display to flex for the target element when device width is between 769px and 1023px
is-flex-desktop-onlySets display to flex for the target element when device width is between 1024px and 1215px
is-flex-widescreen-onlySets display to flex for the target element when device width is between 1216px and 1407px
is-flex-touchSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1408px
is-flex-tabletSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 768px
is-flex-desktopSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1024px
is-flex-widescreenSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1216px
is-flex-fullhdSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1216px

You can replace the keyword flex with the following parameters

  • block
  • inline
  • inline-block
  • inline-flex

Hide helpers

Main classModifierEffects
.*is-hidden-mobileHides the target element when device width is < 768px
is-hidden-tablet-onlyHides the target element when device width is between 769px and 1023px
is-hidden-desktop-onlyHides the target element when device width is between 1024px and 1215px
is-hidden-widescreen-onlyHides the target element when device width is between 1216px and 1407px
is-hidden-touchHides the target element when device width is > 1408px
is-hidden-tabletHides the target element when device width is > 768px
is-hidden-desktopHides the target element when device width is > 1024px
is-hidden-widescreenHides the target element when device width is > 1216px
is-hidden-fullhdHides the target element when device width is > 1216px

General helpers

Heading helpers

Main classModifierEffects
.titleis-*1-6Sets the title size on a scale of 1 to 6
.subtitleis-*1-6Sets the subtitle size on a scale of 1 to 6

States helpers

Main classModifierEffects
*is-hiddenSets the target element todisplay: none
is-vhiddenSets the target element tovisibility: hidden
is-disabledDisables pointer events on target element



Main ClassModifierEffects
.buttonbig-buttonTransforms a normal button into a big button. Can have additional classes like is-bold and is-outlined
raisedRaises the button when hovered
upper-buttonSets the button text to uppercase
roundedGives rounded corners to a button element
is-loadingGives a loading state to a button element
feather-buttonTransforms a normal button into a bigger uppercase button. Can have additional classes like is-small, to lower its size, and is-bold to make it bolder.
primary-buttonChanges the button background color to $primary
secondary-buttonChanges the button background color to $secondary
accent-buttonChanges the button background color to $accent
grey-buttonChanges the button background color to $accent-grey


Main ClassModifierEffects
.flat-cardis-autoFlat cards have a fixed height by default. This modifier removes fixed height and changes its value to auto
is-longAdjusts the card layout for long product cards
is-list-itemTransforms a list item into a flat card.

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