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Moebius Documentation
Latest versionv1.6.0

First of all, Thank you so much for purchasing this template and for being our loyal customer. You are awesome! You are entitled to get free lifetime updates to this product and support from the CSS Ninja team directly. Moebius is a product built by CSS Ninja and Digisquad.

This documentation has been written to help you regarding each step of setup and customization. Please go through the documentation carefully to understand how this template is made and how to edit this properly. HTML CSS, and Vue JS framework knowledge is required to customize this template.

You are currently reading the Moebius Vue v1.6.0 documentation. The product uses:

  • vue3 Composition API
  • Lightning-fast vitejs build & development tool
  • Node.js (v16.15+) development environment
  • Typescript out of the box, for large-scale JavaScript applications for any browser
  • Typekit's webfontloader utility to load web fonts from any sources
  • Latest bulma integration with sass
  • Mocked HTTP Rest API responses to help you to create your own backend
  • Production ready docker images based on Bitnami
  • eslint, stylelint and prettier pre-configured


If you have any trouble while editing this template or if you simply want to ask a question about something, feel free to contact us at or to post your request on our support at


  1. A good code editor
    VSCode settings are pre-configured
  2. A supported web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, ...)
  3. Node.js LTS(14.x) installed
  4. Typescript(4.x) installed

Dependencies installation

To setup the template and start installing project dependencies, run one of the following commands:

pnpm install

Run a development server

To start the development server, run one of the following commands:

pnpm dev

Access the Moebius frontend in your browser at http://localhost:3000/

Initialize a git repository

We recommend to initialize a new git repository for your project and create your first commit at this point.

# Create a new folder
git init

# Add all files to git
git add .

# Create your first commit
git commit -m "Initial commit"


Remember to make your repository private if you fork or create a new git repository, as the template is a paid product.

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