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Template Highlights

This template supports Alpine JS v3.x, Bulma 0.9.x and gulp 4. Currently available features :

  • ES6 imports with Browserify and Babelify
  • Bulma 0.9.3 source integration
  • Flat file templating with Panini
  • Modular SCSS

Using Gulp

Using Gulp gives you total control over the template. All the important tasks are fully automated, you don't have to do anything. However we will explain in details how to get the most from the template, even if you've never worked, with pnpm, gulp or panini.

To avoid repeating same chunks of code, this template also uses zurb-panini, a very lightweight HTML templating engine. You can quickly create easily reusable chunks of code. But before diving into the template itself, We need to setup a Node.js environment. If you already have Node and NPM installed on your machine, you can skip the following sections.

Install Node.js

First, check if you already have Node.js and npm installed. To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:

node -v

If Node.js is not installed on your machine, you can go to the official website, and choose the version depending on your operating system:

Install Node.js and npm on Windows, Linux or Mac OSX


You can also use Node Version Manager, or to manage multiple Node.js versions on your machine.

Enable pnpm with corepack

We recommend pnpm, which can be enabled with:

corepack enable
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate

Corepack is a script that acts as a bridge between Node.js projects and the package managers they are intended to be used with during development.
In practical terms, Corepack will let you use Yarn and pnpm without having to install them - just like what currently happens with npm, which is shipped in Node.js by default.


Corepack is installed with Node.js from v16.9.x.
If your version is below, install it with: npm install -g corepack

Installing gulp.js

Gulp is a "Task runner" served as a Frontend tool. It is capable of executing chunks of code and save you huge amounts of time. What gulp can do is very vast :

  • Simple operations like CSS and Javascript minification / concatenation
  • Directory creation or deletion, project creation from scratch
  • Image optimization and compression
  • Deploying a local server to run tests
  • Ghost browser simulation to test display regressions etc ...

To stay simple, Gulp will help you save tremendous amounts of time by handling recurring and automated tasks. You can then focus on your real work : produce clear and concise code, and get a coffee from time to time ! If you want to install Gulp globally on your machine, meaning that you will have access to its commands everywhere, follow the following steps. Otherwise jump to the next section.

To work properly, it relies on 2 files that you can find at the root of the project :

  • package.json
  • gulpfile.js

The package.json file lists all your project's development and production dependencies installed via pnpm, an effective way to manage your project's assets consistently. The gulpfile.js file contains all the task that Gulp will perform once launched.

Installing the project

Before starting editing the Listkit template, we need to install the project and go through a little setup to make it functional and running. Create a new directory for your project. For the sake of the example, we will call it my-project. Unzip the contents of the template you downloaded (inside the zip, find the template-listkit-v1.2.4 folder) folder inside it. We will talk about the project structure in the upcoming section :

cd path/to/my/project

Once done, you need to install the project dependencies with pnpm, that we previously installed. Enter the following command at the root of the my-project folder :

pnpm install

This will automatically fecth all the dependencies listed in your package.json file and install them in your project. Once the installation process is done, you are ready to start Gulp and begin developing. However, before you start we are going to take a closer look to the template structure, and to how things are organized.

Initialize a git repository

We recommend to initialize a new git repository for your project and create your first commit at this point.

# Create a new folder
git init

# Add all files to git
git add .

# Create your first commit
git commit -m "Initial commit"


Remember to make your repository private if you fork or create a new git repository, as the template is a paid product.

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