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CSS reference

This is the CSS reference section. You will find here the most important element classes and their related modifiers.


Grid system


Main classModifierEffects
.columnsis-vcenteredCenters nested column elements vertically using flexbox
is-multilineMakes the nested columns wrap into a new row when the end of the current row is reached
is-mobilePrevents columns from stacking on mobile devices
is-gaplessRemoves padding from children columns


Main classModifierEffects
.columnis-halfMakes the column take half of the available space
is-one-thirdMakes the column take 1/3 of the available space
is-two-thirdsMakes the column take 2/3 of the available space
is-one-quarterMakes the column take 1/4 of the available space
is-*1-12Makes the column take an amount of space corresponding to the specified number between 1 and 12

Responsive helpers

Display helpers

Main classModifierEffects
.*is-flex-mobileSets display to flex for the target element when device width is < 768px
is-flex-tablet-onlySets display to flex for the target element when device width is between 769px and 1023px
is-flex-desktop-onlySets display to flex for the target element when device width is between 1024px and 1215px
is-flex-widescreen-onlySets display to flex for the target element when device width is between 1216px and 1407px
is-flex-touchSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1408px
is-flex-tabletSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 768px
is-flex-desktopSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1024px
is-flex-widescreenSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1216px
is-flex-fullhdSets display to flex for the target element when device width is > 1216px

You can replace the keyword flex with the following parameters

  • block
  • inline
  • inline-block
  • inline-flex

Hide helpers

Main classModifierEffects
.*is-hidden-mobileHides the target element when device width is < 768px
is-hidden-tablet-onlyHides the target element when device width is between 769px and 1023px
is-hidden-desktop-onlyHides the target element when device width is between 1024px and 1215px
is-hidden-widescreen-onlyHides the target element when device width is between 1216px and 1407px
is-hidden-touchHides the target element when device width is > 1408px
is-hidden-tabletHides the target element when device width is > 768px
is-hidden-desktopHides the target element when device width is > 1024px
is-hidden-widescreenHides the target element when device width is > 1216px
is-hidden-fullhdHides the target element when device width is > 1216px

General helpers

Heading helpers

Main classModifierEffects
.titleis-*1-6Sets the title size on a scale of 1 to 6
.subtitleis-*1-6Sets the subtitle size on a scale of 1 to 6

Text helpers

Main classModifierEffects
*is-size-*1-6Sets the target text size on a scale of 1 to 6
primary-textSets the target text color to $primary
secondary-textSets the target text color to $secondary
accent-textSets the target text color to $accent
info-textSets the target text color to $blue
success-textSets the target text color to $green
warning-textSets the target text color to $orange
danger-textSets the target text color to $red
dark-textSets the target text color to $blue-grey
light-textSets the target text color to $white
font-w-400Sets the target text font weight to 400
font-w-500Sets the target text font weight to 500
font-w-600Sets the target text font weight to 600
text-bolderSets the target text font weight to 700
text-decoration-noneSets the text-decoration property to none

Padding helpers

Main classModifierEffects
*no-paddingSets the target element padding to 0
no-padding-leftSets the target element left padding to 0
no-padding-rightSets the target element right padding to 0
no-padding-topSets the target element top padding to 0
no-padding-bottomSets the target element bottom padding to 0
padding*10-100Sets the target element padding to the specified number
pl*10-80Sets the target element left padding to the specified number
pr*10-80Sets the target element right padding to the specified number
pt*10-80Sets the target element top padding to the specified number
pb*10-80Sets the target element bottom padding to the specified number
huge-ptSets the target element top padding to 100px
huge-pbSets the target element bottom padding to 100px
giant-pbSets the target element bottom padding to 150px

Margin helpers

Main classModifierEffects
*no-marginSets the target element margin to 0
no-margin-leftSets the target element left margin to 0
no-margin-rightSets the target element right margin to 0
no-margin-topSets the target element top margin to 0
no-margin-bottomSets the target element bottom margin to 0
margin-x-autoSets the target element margin to 0 auto
ml-autoSets the target element left margin to auto
mr-autoSets the target element right margin to auto
margin-*10-100Sets the target element margin to the number value
ml*10-80Sets the target element left margin to the specified number
mr*10-80Sets the target element right margin to the specified number
mt*10-80Sets the target element top margin to the specified number
mb*10-80Sets the target element bottom margin to the specified number

States helpers

Main classModifierEffects
*pull-rightAdds float: right to target element
pull-leftAdds float: left to target element
is-hiddenSets the target element todisplay: none
is-vhiddenSets the target element tovisibility: hidden
is-disabledDisabled click events on target element
Main classModifierEffects
.navbar-wrappernavbar-minimalMakes the navbar transparent and static (dark version)
navbar-minimal + navbar-lightMakes the navbar transparent and static (light version)
navbar-fadeMakes the navbar fixed on scroll (dark version)
navbar-fade + navbar-lightMakes the navbar fixed on scroll (light version)
nav-reverseGives access to navbar color classes (must be used with one of the following classes)
nav-reverse + nav-primaryMakes the navbar background primary
nav-reverse + nav-secondaryMakes the navbar background secondary
nav-reverse + nav-darkMakes the navbar background dark
nav-reverse + nav-blueMakes the navbar background blue
nav-reverse + nav-greenMakes the navbar background green
nav-reverse + nav-orangeMakes the navbar background orange
nav-reverse + nav-redMakes the navbar background red


Main classModifierEffects
.herois-mediumSets the hero header to medium size
is-largeSets the hero header to large size
is-fullheightSets the hero header to full height size
is-relativeSets the hero position to relative
is-coverSets the hero background-size property to cover
is-theme-primarySets the hero background color to $primary
is-theme-secondarySets the hero background color to $secondary
is-theme-accentSets the hero background color to $accent
is-theme-infoSets the hero background color to $info
is-theme-successSets the hero background color to $success
is-theme-warningSets the hero background color to $warning
is-theme-dangerSets the hero background color to $danger
is-feature-greySets the hero background color to $section-grey
is-light-greySets the hero background color to $light-grey
is-coalSets the hero background color to $coal


Main classModifierEffects
.sectionis-mediumChanges the section size to medium
is-largeChanges the section size to large
is-relativeSets the element position to relative
is-coverSets the hero background-size property to cover
has-border-topGives the element a top border
has-bottom-topGives the element a bottom border
section-light-greySets the element background color to $light-grey
section-feature-greySets the element background color to $section-grey
section-header-greySets the element background color to $header-grey
section-feature-grey-accentSets the element background color to $section-grey-accent
section-primarySets the element background color to $primary
section-secondarySets the element background color to $secondary
Main classModifierEffects
.footerfooter-darkChanges the footer to use dark colors
footer-lightChanges the footer to use light colors
footer-dark-leftChanges left footer to use dark styles
footer-light-leftChanges left footer to use light styles
footer-centered-darkChanges centered footer to use dark styles
footer-centeredChanges centered footer to use light styles


Simple accordion

Main classModifierEffects
.simple-accordion-wrapperis-primarySets the element header background to $primary
is-secondarySets the element header background to $secondary
is-accentSets the element header background to $accent
is-infoSets the element header background to $blue
is-successSets the element header background to $green


Icon box

Main classModifierEffects
.icon-boxprimarySets the icon box colors to $primary
secondarySets the icon box colors to $secondary
accentSets the icon box colors to $accent
infoSets the icon box colors to $info
successSets the icon box colors to $success
warningSets the icon box colors to $warning
dangerSets the icon box colors to $danger

Diamond box

Main classModifierEffects
.diamond-boxprimarySets the icon box colors to $primary
secondarySets the icon box colors to $secondary
accentSets the icon box colors to $accent
infoSets the icon box colors to $info
successSets the icon box colors to $success
warningSets the icon box colors to $warning
dangerSets the icon box colors to $danger

Square icon box

Main classModifierEffects
.square-icon-boxprimarySets the icon box colors to $primary
secondarySets the icon box colors to $secondary
accentSets the icon box colors to $accent
infoSets the icon box colors to $info
successSets the icon box colors to $success
warningSets the icon box colors to $warning
dangerSets the icon box colors to $danger
roundedMakes the icon rounded instead of the default square shape

Shadow icon box

Main classModifierEffects
.shadow-icon-boxis-primarySets the icon box colors to $primary
is-secondarySets the icon box colors to $secondary
is-accentSets the icon box colors to $accent
is-infoSets the icon box colors to $info
is-successSets the icon box colors to $success
is-warningSets the icon box colors to $warning
is-dangerSets the icon box colors to $danger
roundedMakes the icon rounded instead of the default square shape


Main classModifierEffects
.buttonis-smallSmall button size
is-mediumMedium button size
is-largeLarge button size
button-ctaTransforms a simple button into a big button
button-cta + btn-outlinedTransforms a simple button into a big outlined button
button-cta + btn-outlined + is-boldTransforms a simple button into a big outlined button with a thick border
btn-alignAdjusts standard buttons padding
btn-align-mdAdjusts medium buttons padding
btn-align-lgAdjusts large buttons padding
btn-upperChanges a button text-transform property to uppercase
roundedMakes a button edges rounded
raisedAdds a box shadow to a button when hovered
is-raisedPermanently adds a box shadow to a button
btn-fadeReduces a button opacity when hovered
btn-outlinedCreates an outlined button that gets filled when hovered
is-linkCreates a link style button
btn-squareCreates a square shaped button
primary-btnMakes a button background color $primary
secondary-btnMakes a button background color $secondary
accent-btnMakes a button background color $accent
info-btnMakes a button background color $blue
success-btnMakes a button background color $green
warning-btnMakes a button background color $orange
danger-btnMakes a button background color $danger


Feature card

Main classModifierEffects
.feature-cardcard-mdSets the card height to 350px
card-lgSets the card height to 400px
light-borderedGives a light border to the card element target
card-shadowGives a predefined box shadow to the target card element
hover-insetGives a predefined inset box shadow to the target card element when hovered

Flex card

Main classModifierEffects
.flex-cardprimary-cardSets the card background color to primary
secondary-cardSets the card background color to secondary
accent-cardSets the card background color to accent
card-overflowSets the target flex card overflow property to visible
light-borderedGives a light border to the target flex card element
simple-shadowAdds an extra light box shadow to the target flex card element
light-raisedAdds a light box shadow to the target flex card element
raisedAdds a heavy box shadow to the target flex card element
hover-raisedAdds a heavy box shadow on hover to the target flex card element
hover-insetAdds an inset box shadow on hover to the target flex card element


Main classModifierEffects
.modalmodal-smchange the size of the modal dialog to small
modal-herochanges the modal overlay background color to the current theme predefined gradient
modal-successchanges the modal overlay background color to $green
modal-infochanges the modal overlay background color to $blue
modal-warningchanges the modal overlay background color to $orange
modal-errorchanges the modal overlay background color to $red
Main classModifierEffects
.dropOutis-primarysets the dropdown menu item background color to $primary when hovered
is-secondarysets the dropdown menu item background color to $secondary when hovered
is-accentsets the dropdown menu item background color to $accent when hovered



Main classModifierEffects
.inputis-smallsets the target input element size to small
is-mediumsets the target input element size to medium
is-largesets the target input element size to large
roundedmakes the edges of the target input element rounded
is-primary-focussets the target input element border color to $primary when focused
is-secondary-focussets the target input element border color to $secondary when focused
is-accent-focussets the target input element border color to $accent when focused
is-grey-focussets the target input element border color to $title-grey when focused


Main classModifierEffects
.textareais-growtransforms a basic textarea into an animated textarea on focus
is-default-focussets the target input element border color to $default-input when focused
is-primary-focussets the target input element border color to $primary when focused
is-secondary-focussets the target input element border color to $secondary when focused
is-accent-focussets the target input element border color to $accent when focused
is-grey-focussets the target input element border color to $title-grey when focused

Material inputs

Main classModifierEffects
.control-materialis-primarysets the target material input element label and border colors to $primary
is-secondarysets the target material input element label and border colors to $secondary
is-accentsets the target material input element label and border colors to $accent
is-lightsets the target material input element label and border colors to $white

Radio group

Main classModifierEffects
.radio-wrapis-smallsets the size of the target radio group to small
is-mediumsets the size of the target radio group to medium
is-primarysets the dot color of the target radio group to $primary
is-secondarysets the dot color of the target radio group to $secondary
is-accentsets the dot color of the target radio group to $accent



Main classModifierEffects
.b-badgeroundedmakes the target badge element rounded
badge-outlinedmakes the target badge element outlined
is-primarysets the target badge element color to $primary
is-secondarysets the target badge element color to $secondary
is-accentsets the target badge element color to $accent
is-infosets the target badge element color to $blue
is-successsets the target badge element color to $green
is-warningsets the target badge element color to $orange
is-dangersets the target badge element color to $red


Main classModifierEffects
.tagsquaredmakes the target tag element edges squared
is-outlinedmakes the target tag element outlined
is-mediumsets the target tag element size to medium
is-largesets the target tag element size to large
is-primarysets the target tag element colors to $primary
is-secondarysets the target tag element colors to $secondary
is-accentsets the target tag element colors to $accent
is-infosets the target tag element colors to $blue
is-successsets the target tag element colors to $green
is-warningsets the target tag element colors to $orange
is-dangersets the target tag element colors to $red

List block

Main classModifierEffects
.list-blockborderedgives borders to a list block element
minimalremoves borders and gives a box shadow to a list block element


Main classModifierEffects
.messagemsg-primarysets the target message element colors to $primary
msg-secondarysets the target message element colors to $secondary
msg-accentsets the target message element colors to $accent
msg-infosets the target message element colors to $blue
msg-successsets the target message element colors to $green
msg-warningsets the target message element colors to $orange
msg-dangersets the target message element colors to $red



Main classModifierEffects
.badgeis-badge-leftpositions the target badge element on the left of its container
is-badge-bottompositions the target badge element at the bottom of its container
is-badge-bottom-leftpositions the target badge element at the bottom left of its container
is-badge-smallsets the target badge element size to small
is-badge-mediumsets the target badge element size to medium
is-badge-largesets the target badge element size to large
is-badge-outlinedmakes the target badge element outlined
badge-primarysets the target badge element colors to $primary
badge-secondarysets the target badge element colors to $secondary
badge-accentsets the target badge element colors to $accent
badge-infosets the target badge element colors to $blue
badge-successsets the target badge element colors to $green
badge-warningsets the target badge element colors to $orange
badge-dangersets the target badge element colors to $red


Main classModifierEffects
.b-checkboxis-circularmakes the target b-checkbox element circular
is-inlinesets the target b-checkbox element display property to inline
is-primarysets the target b-checkbox element colors to $primary
is-secondarysets the target b-checkbox element colors to $secondary
is-accentsets the target b-checkbox element colors to $accent
is-infosets the target b-checkbox element colors to $blue
is-successsets the target b-checkbox element colors to $green
is-warningsets the target b-checkbox element colors to $orange
is-dangersets the target b-checkbox element colors to $red

Range inputs

Main classModifierEffects
input[type=range]is-smallsets the target range input element size to small
is-mediumsets the target range input element size to medium
is-largesets the target range input element size to large
is-primarysets the target range input element colors to $primary
is-secondarysets the target range input element colors to $secondary
is-accentsets the target range input element colors to $accent
is-infosets the target range input element colors to $blue
is-successsets the target range input element colors to $green
is-warningsets the target range input element colors to $orange
is-dangersets the target range input element colors to $red


Main classModifierEffects
.switch[type="checkbox"]is-outlinedmakes the target switch element outlined
is-thinapplies the thin style to the target switch element
is-smallsets the target switch element size to small
is-mediumsets the target switch element size to medium
is-largesets the target switch element size to large
is-primarysets the target switch element colors to $primary
is-secondarysets the target switch element colors to $secondary
is-accentsets the target switch element colors to $accent
is-infosets the target switch element colors to $blue
is-successsets the target switch element colors to $green
is-warningsets the target switch element colors to $orange
is-dangersets the target switch element colors to $red

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