Vulk Changelog Latest versionv2.1.0
We try to keep Vulk dependencies and best practices up to date. We also take care of user requests, either by implementing requested features, fixing bugs or improving the documentation.
Feel free to join us on discord. You can also have access to the private github repository, so you can view the source code history and submit issues.
2.0.1 (2023-10-31)
Bug Fixes
- add seo meta examples (e8e31c9)
- node engine, charset and seo image size (53652d7)
- optional image and url config + expose VITE_APP_URL env variable (fd827f5)
- update vite 5 beta + update packages + build issue (90ae9da)
2.0.0 (2023-09-21)
- ActionLink: remove default label value + add icon property + allow using default slot
- DarkImage: remove darkmode store usage to let css display images
- create app.config.ts file, remove useLayout, replace darkmode cookie with localstorage
- ActionLink: remove default label value + add icon property + allow using default slot (29d2688)
- allow to change logo in app.config.ts (46cfc68)
- CenterdMedia: add default slot (77893f0), closes #42
- CompanyGrid: add subtitle property (7eb37be), closes #47
- create app.config.ts file, remove useLayout, replace darkmode cookie with localstorage (cc0b77d)
- DarkImage: remove darkmode store usage to let css display images (6f1f417)
- demo: add intermediate pages listing (eaaa58b)
- improve ssr + expose h3 event to ssr context (4adeb3e), closes #37 #35 #36
- Placeholder: allow using slots (7724fc4)
- PlaceholderSection: allow using slots (6c24aec)
- Subtitle: add text property + use dynamic component (c4286c3), closes #55
- Title: add text property + use dynamic component (a815da2), closes #54 #55
- use variable fonts from fontsources (93bab45)
Bug Fixes
- add SSR comment in dockerfile (000606e)
- ContentBlockB: tooltip border (7cb500f)
- eslint: parse ts files (2e7f54a), closes #62
- minify html output on ssr/ssg (4776898)
- Modal: make title props optional (06759ac)
- move gtm id to env (572f9fc), closes #53
- replace .env with .env.example (e22a460)
- Tag: make label props optional (4894e2e)
- ThemeToggle: initial dark mode state (f55bfa6)
1.4.0 (2023-08-04)
- improve SSR and PWA (341eafe)
- replace @vueuse/head with unhead (0a171a9)
- upgrade dependencies - replace vite-plugin-fonts with unplugin-fonts (7f46d7e)
- upgrade prettier and linter configuration (682f075)
1.3.1 (2023-06-26)
Bug Fixes
- Footer: use raw router links in column (cad4d6c)
- improve navbar keyboard navigation (5cbfa32)
- mobile megamenu (01696d5)
- ssg: transorm windows paths for fast-glob (96553d0)
1.3.0 (2023-02-21)
- add SSG build option + define package as module (10f353f)
- ssr: improve perfs with optional shared cache (27253a3)
- update discord url (80fb173)
- update to vite 4 and improve accessibility (705f10b)
1.2.0 (2022-10-09)
- add router scrollBehavior (3990cdd)
- add ssr as an optional feature (5dcaba6)
- add vite auto-import plugin (589829f)
- pre-optimize assets script, remove vite imagemin plugin (20ede43)
- ssr: use compatibility events from h3 (00166d4)
- upgrade to vite 3 (71dd8ec)
Bug Fixes
1.1.0 (2022-05-15)
View for details
1.0.0 (2022-03-09)
- add about pages (cfccb68)
- add accesibility keyboard events (f575938)
- add advanced components (8c29040)
- add base components, add feature blocks (1fd0442)
- add blog posts (8b92b71)
- add component hub (a2c57af)
- add contact, terms and error pages (4624591)
- add cta block (1fcdc0b)
- add cta blocks docs (220abe4)
- add DarImage component (89fc0e5), closes #6
- add feature and content blocks inverted props (dd5d2b7)
- add feature blocks (47227ca)
- add final landing pages (5f771b4)
- add footer and content docs (45e9f7b)
- add form components and documentation (f76ee0b)
- add hamburger component, favicon (32ffe94)
- add help center (0074fde)
- add homepage sections (c34fa52)
- add icon, image and typography documentation (cd2b6e5)
- add landing 13,14,15 (a2ccb7f)
- add landing 16,17,18 (c5befbc)
- add landing 19 and 20 (29b35a9)
- add landing 21 (6405a32)
- add landing 22, add map component (b8e660e)
- add landing 23 to 30 (4450453)
- add landing 31, 32, 33 (81d3a09)
- add landing 34, landing 35 (b64e01e)
- add landing 5 (6d6a3dd)
- add landing 6 (wip) (721ed4c)
- add landing 6 and 7 (3d30140)
- add landing 8 and 9 (1ad861a)
- add landing 8 and 9 (42a5ca3)
- add landing page 8 (wip) (cfc5175)
- add landing-4 (38a1515)
- add master layouts demos (c395682)
- add modal component (0dfd63e)
- add navbar components, work in progress (8a91f0d)
- add new pricing pages (467e824)
- add new pricing pages (c9791dd)
- add pinia and install i18n (8d4a2e0), closes #3
- add placeholder, tags and card docs (dbf63a5)
- add popper component (fe03191)
- add product homepage (5710f80)
- add quickstarter builder (bf5463c)
- add quickstarter builder (171e360)
- add raw Html components (6a6391a)
- add raw html from bold (56008c9)
- add remaing blog pages (11462ca)
- add slots in mosts of components (5ec763a), closes #5
- add ssr (59f0b92)
- add subpages (bdc2029)
- add table docs (7190a39)
- add team blocks (1f26b5e)
- add team blocks (4493212)
- add testimonial blocks (992c41e)
- add video and section documentation (0695c7d)
- advanced components refactor (bf1b103)
- auth pages responsive (f5c36bf)
- clean data, landing pages and heros, implement missing components (831a522)
- content blocks, feature blocks improvements (89a417a)
- convert ssr to use unjs packages (jiti, h3, lishten) (42a3df3)
- finish dark mode, fix layout bugs, responsiveness (263b54f)
- fix checkbox component, fix stacked section (4af1c07)
- fix hero headers on responsive devices (a41c9e8)
- fix textarea (472cda5)
- fixed build (f7e783f)
- gallery blocks (48c21fa)
- initial commit (4cf05ca)
- new cta blocks (571386c)
- nuxt-like plugin system (37b2f54)
- refactor data paths (cab2d35)
- refactor docs (wip) (8c0dd9a)
- refactor docs (wip) (3965e21)
- refactor docs (wip) (5b49e55)
- refactor docs (wip) (d0c7eca)
- refactor docs (wip) (b7b2c26)
- refactor docs (wip) (37a5501)
- refactoring vulk docs (wip) (9ab1847)
- setup documentation, add avatar documentation (276d414)
- small bug fixes (612122e)
- small bug fixes (3bdcb7a)
- tabs component and fix block L (01b3ad3)
- updated component library (ca4a687)
- updated nav links (bc0f764)
- useLayout auto detect available layouts (5cec90c)
- work on landing 21 (e7a52b9)
- work on landing 21 (e66ab62)
Bug Fixes
- add purge icon (a515bf2)
- blog dark mode (0c72239)
- documentation thumbnails (c47c58b)
- missing links (ad72b3d)
- remame table components #7 (185719e)
- replace themeState with useDarkmode (97e3cdd), closes #2
- Typescript errors (b35afb3)
- unused vite variable and undeclared module (1a3e631)
- use import on dynamic data to bundle assetss (49b342a), closes #4